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Fake data

When creating a mock API response, being able to generate fake data is very useful.

This project uses FakerPHP/Faker under the hood and makes it available to use in the response body.

Generating values

Faker uses what it calls "formatters" to generate values, it is basically a function you call to generate a fake value.

Some example formatters: name, address, email etc.

You can see all available formatters that faker provides here: (Make sure to expand "Formatters" to show all)

To generate a fake value, use the following syntax in the response body:

{{ insertFakerFormatter('arg1', 'arg2') }}

where insertFakerFormatter would be replaced by the faker formatter you would like to use.

Some of the formatters accepts arguments, which can be provided as shown above.


Here's an example GET request generating a JSON response with some fake data:{"name":"{{ name('female') }}","address":"{{ address() }}","favorite_color":"{{ randomElement(['green', 'red', 'black', 'blue']) }}"}

Here's an example GET request generating an HTML response with some fake data:[content-type]=text/html&body=<h1>Hello, my name is {{ name() }}</h1><p>I live on {{ streetName() }} in {{ city() }}


Faker makes it possible to change the locale for the generated data.

You can set the locale by providing the parameter fake_data_locale and setting the value to the locale you'd like to use.

Example GET request generating a Swedish address:{"address":"{{ address() }}"}&fake_data_locale=sv_SE

Example POST payload generating a Swedish address:

    "body": {
        "address": "{{ address() }}"
    "fake_data_locale": "sv_SE"

Read more:

Persistent data

Maybe you've noticed that the generated data changes on every request? This is the default when generating data.

If you'd like to get the same data generated on subsequent requests, you can provide the parameter fake_data_persist and set the value to true.

Example GET request generating the same address on every request:{"address":"{{ address() }}"}&fake_data_persist=true

Example POST payload generating the same address on every request:

    "body": {
        "address": "{{ address() }}"
    "fake_data_persist": true